10 Fruits You Should NEVER Refrigerate

Bananas: Refrigerating bananas can disrupt their ripening process and cause the skin to turn black.

Tomatoes: Refrigerating tomatoes can cause them to lose their flavor and become mealy in texture.

Avocados: Avocados ripen best at room temperature. Once ripe, you can store them in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process.

Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits can lose flavor and moisture when refrigerated.

Peaches: Refrigerating peaches can cause them to become mealy and lose their sweet flavor. Store ripe peaches at room temperature.

Mangoes: Mangoes should be stored at room temperature until they ripen. Refrigerating unripe mangoes can slow down the ripening.

Pineapples: Refrigerating pineapples can cause them to become mushy and lose their flavor. Store whole pineapples at room temperature until they ripen.

Melons (Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew): Whole melons should be stored at room temperature until they are ripe.

Stone Fruits (Plums, Nectarines, Apricots): Stone fruits should be stored at room temperature until they are ripe.

Papayas: Papayas should be stored at room temperature until they are ripe. Once ripe, you can refrigerate them to extend their shelf life.