10 Most Difficult Countries for Americans to Visit

1. North Korea

Extremely restricted access and strictly regulated excursions make North Korea a challenging travel destination for the majority of tourists, including Americans.

2. Syria

Persistent conflict and security concerns make Syria a hazardous and difficult destination for American tourists.

3. Iran

Although it is possible for Americans to travel to Iran, procuring a special visa and abiding by strict regulations are required.

4. Yemen

Political instability, conflict, and security risks make Yemen a destination fraught with difficulty and peril.

5. Libya

The ongoing conflict and security concerns in Libya have resulted in restricted access and travel difficulties, including for Americans.

6. Somalia

Instability, terrorism, and piracy make Somalia a difficult and dangerous place for Americans to visit.

7. Afghanistan

Persistent conflict and security concerns make Afghanistan a difficult and perilous destination to visit.

8. Eritrea

Access restrictions and government regulations make Eritrea a challenging travel destination for the majority of tourists, including Americans.

9. Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a difficult country to travel due to its stringent visa requirements and restricted access.

10. Saudi Arabia (for non-Muslims)

Although recent changes have permitted limited tourism, non-Muslims may still encounter obstacles and restrictions when visiting certain regions.

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