8 Side Effects of Eating Cereal

High Sugar Content: Many morning cereals, especially kids' ones, have lots of added sugar. Sugary diets can cause weight gain, 

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Refined Carbohydrates: Cereals contain refined grains without fiber or nutrients. Refined carbs can cause blood sugar rises and crashes

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Low in Protein: Most cereals lack protein, which is necessary for satiety and muscle maintenance. 

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Fortified with Artificial Additives: Some cereals contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, which may trigger allergic reactions.

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Gluten Content: Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity can cause digestive difficulties, discomfort, and other symptoms when eating

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High Sodium Content: Some cereals, especially whole grain ones, may have high sodium content, which can raise blood pressure and other health issues.

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Portion Sizes: Large cereal amounts, especially when mixed with high-fat milk or added sweets (as in sweetened cereals), can lead to weight gain.

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To maintain freshness, certain cereals contain synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) or BHA. Despite continuous studies on its safety

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