All About Taking Care Of Your Dog: 10 Basic Tips

Tip 1: Vet check-ups

Like how you should have someone check you out once a year. Their doctor will check to see if they're healthy and send them home if they are! 

Dog care tip 2: Vaccinations

The most common and dangerous diseases can't spread to dogs because they get vaccinated. A new one needs to be made every year.

Tip 3: Prophylaxis against parasites

To keep your dog parasite-free, treat them often. For maximum results, we recommend worming and flea protection monthly!

Dog care tip 4: Check what toys your pet has

Toys are a great way to keep your dog engaged and entertained but they need regular care too.

Tip 5: Grooming and washing

Grooming your dog is crucial, but it can be difficult when you're busy with work or school. Luckily, many grooming products can keep him clean and healthy!

Dog care tip 6: Brushing your pet

If you don't want your dog's hair to get tangled, brush it every day. You can use a brush made just for this job, or you can just comb them through with your fingers! 

Tip 7: Check Pet’s harnesses

It's not always easy to tell if our pets are comfortable, but their harness should always have some kind of padding or safety.

Dog care tip 8: Check pet’s bed

Give your bedding the proper care it deserves to keep you cool and comfortable all summer long & warm during cold winters.

Tip 9: Teeth brushing

We recommend at least 2-3 times a week using chewy treats or a special toothpaste and brush from the drugstore.

Dog care tip 10: Just love your dog

Your dog is more than just an animal to you; it’s a member of your family.