Excellent Meals To Start The Day

These pancake-fritter hybrids create a quick and easy savoury base for salmon and poached eggs.

Poached Egg

French toast-style crumpets will get you out of bed on gray mornings when it's hard to get up.

French Toast Bacon Crumpets

Masala omelette sandwiches are amazing and a terrific way to start the day. White bread, salted butter, and tomato ketchup are essential.

Masala Omelette

We think Suzette crêpes are timeless. Tasteful crêpes and alcoholic citrus sauce are a wonderful combination.

Crêpes Suzette

Vegans can start their day with a hearty burrito. This tofu dish has fried plantain, onion, and peppers and a spicy tomato salsa.

Vegan Breakfast Burrito

Spicy, rich, and fantastic. Shakshuka, flavored with garlic and cumin, is a quick and easy weekend meal or brunch for the whole family.

Aubergine Shakshuka

A great Mexican breakfast or brunch recipe, huevos rancheros can be enjoyed for lunch or dinner. The hearty plate of rancher's eggs has beans, avocado, and cheese.

Huevos Rancheros

How To Design A Modern Farmhouse Kitchen