Starbucks' New Digital Tipping System Slammed by Customers

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Tipping for good service is common and appreciated. However, Starbucks' new computerized tipping method has left many feeling like

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misers or beggars. Customer and barista feedback has been unfavorable regarding the new system.

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Starbucks' "reinvention plan" would expand digital tipping to all points of sale, including drive-thrus, to build on its "51-year history of market-leading innovation".

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Future Starbucks customers who purchase using a digital payment option will be immediately requested to tip $1, $2, $5, or a custom

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amount. Starbucks customers can also tap a "No Tip" button, which many have said on social media makes them feel nasty.

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Additionally, making tipping difficult to avoid strains already-strapped people. One Twitter user said: "Tipping is excessive. My budget hardly

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covers these trips. I reward myself to go because it's pricey. Explaining I can't afford to tip here? I guess I'll stop buying Starbucks."

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Many Starbucks baristas have complained on Reddit and TikTok that the new digital tipping system is cumbersome. Some consumers are

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confused by the small screen they must use to tip or opt out to conclude the transaction. Some baristas hit the no-tip option before handing clients the screen

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While some Starbucks employees are upset with the new mandated digital tipping method, one Reddit user reported a large increase in tip amounts

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