The Healthiest Poultry for Your Diet, According to a Dietitian

Skinless Chicken Breast: Chicken breast is a lean source of protein that is low in fat and calories.

Turkey Breast: Similar to chicken breast, turkey breast is lean and high in protein. It's a good source of nutrients like niacin, vitamin B6, and zinc.

Quail: Quail is a small bird that is rich in protein and low in fat. It provides essential nutrients like iron, phosphorus, and vitamin B12.

Cornish Hen: Cornish hens are small chickens that offer lean protein and are lower in fat compared to larger chicken varieties.

Skinless Turkey Thigh: While turkey thighs contain slightly more fat than breast meat, they are still a nutritious option when consumed in moderation.

Duck Breast: Duck breast is rich in protein and provides essential nutrients such as iron, selenium, and B vitamins.

Goose: Goose meat is high in protein and contains essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. It's lower in fat compared to some other poultry options.

Pheasant: Pheasant is a lean source of protein that is lower in fat compared to some other poultry options.

Ostrich: Ostrich meat is exceptionally lean and high in protein. It's lower in fat and cholesterol compared to beef and other red meats, making it a healthier alternative.

Chicken or Turkey Sausages (Low-fat Varieties): Opt for lean chicken or turkey sausages made with minimal added fats and sodium.