Where to Place Your Bed for the Best Feng Shui

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Most people will do anything to sleep well, including breathable bedding, blocking devices in the living room, using a white noise machine,

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and using mouth tape. How about a simpler approach to boost your bedroom's energy without redesigning or adding a habit? For decades,

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designers have embraced feng shui, an ancient Chinese technique that promotes balance, tranquility, and wealth through a harmonious 

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Feng shui in the bedroom includes choosing a relaxing color palette, avoiding mirrors, and adding a luxurious area rug, but furniture placement, 

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especially bed positioning, is crucial. Bed placement for good bedroom feng shui has been debated for millennia. Learn about feng shui bed

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Bedroom feng shui requires you to see your door from bed. The foot of the bed shouldn't be perfectly in line with the door since that's termed "funeral position"

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how coffins are carried out. Instead, situate your bed with a robust wall behind the headboard and a diagonal or side doorway view. 

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For best energy flow, leave three of your bed's four sides open. Avoid corners and tiny nooks, even if they optimize space footage.

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