World's Biggest Winter And Summer Tourist Attractions

One of Paris' top attractions is the Louvre, the world's largest art museum.Sometimes snow covers Paris in winter. Here, the museum's pyramid seems quite different.

The Louvre, France

The Roman Forum is near the Colosseum.It was the center of Roman public life, festivities, and elections for centuries. Winter brings a snowy landscape!

Roman Forum, Italy

The Eiffel Tower, another Paris monument, is perfect for romance.When snow covers the tower and gardens, the scenery is equally beautiful.

Eiffel Tower, France

Want to live a fantastic tale? Proceed south to Bavaria's charming palace.See Neuschwanstein in winter if you think it's magical in summer! How enchanting!

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany 

This is one of Istanbul's most beautiful buildings.The church, mosque, and museum Hagia Sophia is a year-round "must-see," even in winter when it is regularly snowed in.

Hagia Sophia, Turkey

Many gladiator conflicts and public shows took place in this splendid Roman amphitheater.Thousands of tourists brave snow to see the Colosseum in winter.

The Colosseum, Italy 

Archaeologists have puzzled over this southwest prehistoric monument for years.Stunning in any season, the late Neolithic stones, built around 2500 BCE, are particularly captivating in a peaceful, snowy setting.

Stonehenge, England 

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